I know how much you love me... As much as I love you. And each time you're thinking of me, I know you'll miss me too.
Cookie my heart aches so much. Miss you so much baby
We lost you around this time yesterday. We never be able to forget that moment. Cookie, we are sorry
Cookie loves to sit comfortably in this part of the sofa and she always curls herself then snoozes. I want to see you and hug you so much Cookie
This was my first time at mummy and daddy’s
Good morning baby. Another day without you 😿
Its sunny today. The sun reminds me of you Cookie
We miss you little friend ❤️
Beloved Cookie
Wanting a belly rub
Your brother Creamie is so confused right now without you Cookie. Please give him strength to endure this pain 😿
Happy memories of looking after you Cookie ❤️
My brother Creamie and I love the Sun very much
Mummy love you so so so much
I want to see you at the rainbow bridge 😿
Our furry buddy ❤️
I remember very clearly how much you like the Sun. On the last few days of your life, you struggled to jump up to the windowsill so I had to pick you up. You are my sunshine
You are the best thing that ever happened to me
You seems like you really enjoyed it when your brother overgroomed you
Some angels don’t have wings, sometimes they have whiskers